01_Hauptmotiv LOVE AND DESIRE Favourites Film Festival

Une histoire d’amour et de désir / A Tale of Love and Desire

Audience Award: Rendez-Vous with French Cinema in New York, USA

Friday - 09/23/2022
9:30 PM - City Kino Wedding 
Fiction / A Tale of Love and Desire / France / 2021 / Language: Arabic, French / Subtitles: English / 104 Min.
Director: Leyla Bouzid
Writer: Leyla Bouzid
Producer: Sandra da Fonseca
Cinematographer: Sébastien Goepfert
Editor: Lilian Corbeille
Sound: Nassim El Mounabbih, Antoine Baudoin, Niels Barletta
Music: Lucas Gaudin
Production Design: Léa Philippon
Costume Design: Céline Brelaud
Cast: Sami Outalbali, Zbeida Belhajamor

Ahmed, 18, French of Algerian origin, grew up in the suburbs of Paris. At the university, he meets Farah, a young Tunisian girl, full of energy, who has just arrived in Paris to study literature, like Ahmed. While discovering a corpus of sensual and erotic Arabic literature he never imagined existed, Ahmed falls deeply in love with Farah, and although literally overwhelmed with desire, he tries to resist it.

A Tale of Love and Desire tells the story of a young man who struggles to keep his bearings between his own feelings and desires, his learned concepts of masculinity and his ideas about what makes a woman.
