Il vizio della speranza | The Vice of Hope

Audience Award Rome Film Fest, Italy

Friday - 09/27/2019
10:00 PM - City Kino Wedding 
Fiction / Il vizio della speranza | The Vice of Hope / Italy / 2018 / Language: Italian / Subtitles: English / 100 Min.
Director: Edoardo De Angelis
Writer: Umberto Contarello, Edoardo De Angelis
Producer: Attilio De Razza, Pierpaolo Verga
Cinematographer: Ferran Paredes Rubio
Editor: Chiara Griziotti
Music: Enzo Avitabile
Production Design: Carmine Guarino
Costume Design: Massimo Cantini Parrini
Cast: Pina Turco, Massimiliano Rossi, Marina Confalone, Cristina Donadio, Marcello Romolo

Appcalyptic Italian Drama about Human Trafficking and the Power of Hope
A neglected fishing port at the gates of Naples. Rusty fishing boats, flickering neon signs, dilapidated sheds, garbage-deterred beaches. In this apocalyptic environment Maria works as part of a human trafficking ring. Stoic and seemingly emotionless, she pursues her task as the warden of pregnant migrant women, whose babies are sold to rich Europeans after birth. Compassion has no place in this desolate place. Until Maria learns, against all medical odds, that she herself is expecting a child.
The metaphorical scenery and the end-time atmosphere create an almost hyper-realistic framework for a story of a woman infected with hope, who fights her way despite all external circumstances. Thanks to the screenplay by Umberto Contarello, known for his collaboration with Paolo Sorrentino, the film also provides an insight into an incredible reality about the surrogate mother business of the Camorra.
