

Audience Award Durban International Film Festival, South Africa

Friday - 09/22/2017
6:00 PM - City Kino Wedding 
Fiction / Nakom / Ghana, USA / 2016 / Language: English, Kusasi / Subtitles: English / 90 Min.
Director: Kelly Daniela Norris, TW Pittman
Writer: TW Pittman, Isaac Adakudugu
Producer: Giovanni Ximénez, Isaac Adakudugu
Cinematographer: Bob Geile
Editor: Tomas Vengris
Sound: Paul Woo-Hoogenstyn
Music: Daby Balde
Costume Design: Safura Karin
Cast: Jacob Ayanaba, Grace Ayariga, Abdul Aziz, Justina Kulidu

When he receives the news of his father’s sudden accidental death, medical student Iddrisu returns to his Ghanaian home village. As the eldest son, he is now the patriarch. He has to take over the indebted farm and settle the dispute between his mother and the younger second wife of his father. But living in the city has changed Iddrisu and he has his own ideas about how to deal with his new responsibility.
In their feature film, the US-American co-directors Kelly Daniela Norris and TW Pittman, offer impressive insights into traditional village life and tell the story of a young man’s difficult decision between his self-determined life in the city and family commitments.
