13:00 Uhr - Kvarteret

Sound Supervisor Julius Middendorff will be attending the screening
Regie: Jakob Lass
Drehbuch: Jakob Lass, Ines Schiller, Timon Schäppi, Nico Woche
Produktion: Ines Schiller, Golo Schultz, Marc Oliver Dreher, Martin Ludwig
Kamera: Timon Schäppi
Schnitt: Gesa Jäger
Ton: Julius Middendorff
Musik: Golo Schultz
Clemens works as a masseur, Lara as a cook, but their clientele is the same: the guests of a luxury hotel at the German Baltic Sea. As sparks begin to fly between the two, his sensitivity clashes with her fiery temperament.
LOVE STEAKS is the first film of a new film- making movement called Fogma, as director Jakob Lass declared with a clear wink to the Danish Dogme 95 manifesto. It combines improvisation in scenes with a planned overall narrative structure and introduces two professional actors into an actual hotel environment, with the establishment’s real personnel in all the supporting roles.
This combination of planning and reliance on experience on the one hand and provoked spontaneity on the other infuses the entire project with a remarkable energy that suggests anything could happen while ensuring the entire enterprise doesn’t derail.
Raw, awkward and hilariously funny!