des etoiles

Des Étoiles / Under the Starry Sky

Audience Award Premiers Plans Festival d'Angers, France

Wednesday - 05/27/2015
7:30 PM - City 46 
Opening Film
Fiction / Des Étoiles / France, Senegal / 2013 / Language: English, French, Italian, Wolof / Subtitles: English / 82 Min.
Director: Dyana Gaye
Writer: Dyana Gaye, Cécile Vargaftig
Producer: Arnaud Dommerc, Jean-Baptiste Legrand
Cinematographer: Irina Lubtchansky
Editor: Gwen Mallauran
Sound: Dimitri Haulet, Romain Le Bras, Sandy Notarianni, Matthieu Deniau
Music: Baptiste Bouquin
Production Design: Pierre Ferrari
Cast: Ralph Amoussou, Marème Demba Ly, Souleymane Seye N’Diaye, Babacar M’Baye Fall, Mata Gabin, Sokhna Niang, Andrei Zayats

For her husband’s funeral, New Yorker Mame Amy returns to Dakar with her 19-year-old son Thierno, who takes his first ever steps on African soil and meets his Senegalese family and half-brothers for the first time.
Sophie, 24-years-old, leaves her home in Dakar for Torino to join her husband Abdoulaye, who immigrated to Italy a while ago. But Abdoulaye can not be found. He has just arrived in New York with his cousin, where he tries to eke out a living as a factory worker. Sophie now has to start a new life on her own in Torino.
Through the course of one winter, we follow these characters through their lives in Dakar, Torino and New York. As the days go by, their destinies begin to echo one another, through the diversity of the cities they are crossing, somehow all united under the same starry sky.
DES ÉTOILES is an unforgettable and hopeful drama about migration, home and new beginnings.
